A new set of lovely quotes all hand drawn with 0.3mm fineliner. Hopefully going to carry on with this for a while and create a lovely collection. I will also try to experiment with colour and digitalising my typography with vectors etc.

If anyone has any good quotes feel free to comment and I will upload it when I’m done 🙂

-Apologies for the watermark at the bottom, the disrespectful people of tumblr have drawn me to this! I don’t mind if people like to share my work but when my link is deleted I get angry. Support new artists people!!!

Monday’s zine- What Makes Me Smile, A Guide to Being Happy by Christie Powers

A light-hearted threefold zine, full of hand drawn typography and writing about ways to be happy.

Again all drawn with fine liner (0.3mm and 0.5mm) and coloured with horrible felt pens.



The first zine in Zine-A-Day, called Philomathy by Christie Powers.This zine is concentrating on hand drawn typography and elements of illustration. These few shots show some of the words I chose for today’s zine. Eventually, it will be staple bound.

Enjoy and let me know if you want one for yourself, more pictures will be uploaded soon onto cargocollective.

A philomath is a lover of learning, from Greek philos (“beloved,” “loving,” as in philosophy or philanthropy)


Skate Deck


This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

I went out and brought a cheap deck and spray painted it white the rest is all hand drawn with a sharpie. More to come I hope.

Let me know what you think.




Another collaboration with another very talented and hard-working Documentary Photographer, Denise Fotheringham.

The book has a unique screen-printed cover; is bound together by interscrews; includes an essay; quotes from Manby and stunning tipped-in photographs, all individually hand printed by Denise herself.

Photographs by Denise Fotheringham.
Design by myself.
Made by Mr R Prosser.

Any feedback would be amazing and I’m sure Denise would love to hear what you think as well. Enjoy


Pattern of Life


A collaborative piece with Documentary Photographer, Joe Jinks.

We created twenty-eight photographs that demonstrated the recurring patterns within human life, animals and nature.

Each page has a hole cut into it which allows the reader to see the next photograph and gives them the opportunity to see the relationship between humans, animals and nature.

Also in the book is a unique essay by Joe inspired by people like Carl Sagan and Terence McKenna.

The two original books each come with a protective slipcase.

This was my most enjoyable assignment so far, hopefully going to make some more so let us know if you want one, either on here or e-mail me on: christiepowers@hotmail.co.uk

Deathly High Shoot


Here are some photographs promoting our shirts, zines and postcards. Head over to deathlyhigh to take a peek, however we have limited stock now, we ship to UK and USA, if you’re somewhere else in the world and want us to send a shirt please send us an email: deathlyhigh@hotmail.co.uk

Shirts are now only £10, which is about $16 (i think…)

Here are the shots, enjoy and let us know what you think.


All hand drawn type, my thoughts on television written on paper, hoping to make a book out of these. Enjoy, lots of new work on it’s way as uni is nearly over. All done with fine line 0.4m pen. More to come soon 🙂




Asking all you hip guys and girls whether Deathly High should include this in our next set of shirts. Let us know.

We are now on facebook, let’s be friends 🙂

The first of many I hope.

Currently having my facebook and twitter feed full of rubbish about Made in Chelsea so I made this. I am missing doing my typography, there aren’t enough hours in the day! Work, work, work.

Read and enjoy.

All copyrights to Christie Powers 2012.